how much solar is needed to power
everyone's homes to make the world "sustainable"
Mr. Math doesn't think solar and wind is "the answer" to anything other than
creating an automated industry of milking cash cows
The presentation from
Planet of
the Humans featured a statement about a football field
size solar farm only powering 10 homes so we called him in
to first regurgitate his pronoun then cough up some logic
and reason using mathematics to help us see of solar (and
wind) is a good FIT for the planet
300 x 160 feet
football field
= 48,000 square feet = 1.1 acre
powers 10 homes peak hours is the claim not sure just how many appliances during
that day
Navajo County 9,950 square miles
Los Angeles 469 square miles
in one square mile there is 640 acres
Los Angeles contains 409,600 acres then
so if 10 homes are powered by a football field all coverd in solar
then covering all of Los Angeles in solar powers 4,096,000 homes
since say average of 4 live in each home then that powers the homes of 1 million
people there
this is a ratio of 1/4 where not all the space needs to be covered then if all
the people are served only solar to power it
quick glance would present each home does not have 1/4 of a football field of
space even mansions don't have that much space
a mansion would use about the amount of 10 homes so it would need a full acre
covered in solar, they wouldn't do that unless by force as they want their full
acre worth 10 million dollars to be green and lush
even if they bought the 1 acre plot next to them they would not want to look at
solar panels who does? they are ugly
so there is no way this would work as even if every building was fully covered
in these panels many of these homes would not even have 1/10 of a football field
of solar installed to power their one home
this would be 1/10 th of one acre or a 5,000 square feet
a small house on a tiny 5,000 square foot lot covered completely insolar panels
could "sustain itself" in electricity, when the sun is out at peak hours, adding
batteries would be futile other than maybe delaying use more for after dark but
still the entire lot would need to be covered
this could never happen for many planning reasons and clash with physics and
would make living on the lot hell if it even was possible to get past regulative
the solar panels mandated on top of homes is a JOKE and an illusion of more of
these movie set energy projects that entertain and pacify
going back to our 5,000 foot print of solar panels necessary what is on the top
of a home is at most 1/20th that amount thus adding them add 1/20th of what a
home needs to "sustain itself" does nothing to provide energy needed to that
city as they would then have to be placed somewhere else
thus the push to add them to the grid elsewhere such as in all the open spaces
like the once pristine desert like at Ivanpau off Interstate 15 on the way to
Las Vegas where you decide what money you want to gamble
politicians take your money and gamble with your money in taxes and electric
bills to build these solar panels which we just have shown cannot be placed
fully in Los Angeles to stustain it, they certainly will not destroy the big
open spaces of Griffith Park to add solar panels, so the crunch continues, there
simply is at best 1/50th of the space there that these could be installed there
so 1/50th the claim of powering the entire city thus we are down to if my math
continues to be correct though I might be off here, an amount of 80,000 people
in a city of 4 million being powered by solar panels, that is 2% of the people
served by "sustainable" solar power
apply this to Navajo County at .047 ratio that's 3,770 people there powered only
with solar panels if the entire region as only practically can be installed with
solar panels as shown with Los Angeles figures
thus we see in this county vast tracks of land undeveloped starting the process
of filling in for what Los Angeles cannot even begin to set up so they run just
on "sustainable" "renewable" energy
since they still would need to install 49 x more to fill in we would take the
amount they installed and multiply by 49 and that will be Navajo County in 40
years filled maybe half of all open space to "sustainably" power Los Angeles
it's already been stated the West Camp and Chevelon Butte wind farms will simply
sell their energy to the grid where it then will usually go to of all places Los
Angeles and we just determined why
and guess what we didn't factor in, we counted home use, we did not count
industry and business!
what if that's why California keeps driving out business and
industry? the more they leave the more they can keep using
their own math to make it look like they keep reaching their
fake clean energy targets!
now who here has not encountered someone cheating at some
game they were playing with you?
case closed. solar and wind are not up to the task. they are wastes of our green
$$$ energy and are ugly pieces of inefficient made in China crap.
Building wind driven
power plants that cover 128 square miles that depend
on the wind
to create the unreliable energy is like creating an entire fleet of
to use as tugboats where the sales pitch then is more is better and
it's "free" energy.
When wind does not blow nothing gets done. It's like expecting
a sailboat to take you from Winslow to New York City via the closest
body of water to you, a big puddle after a rain, you sit there
in the boat and wait and imagine your destination of splendor, while those pushing this green energy method of
travel pull out all the bells and whistles and fanfare to entertain,
they keep collecting monthly admission fees to this SHOW of disabled
energy. These systems waste energy.
There is also the
Chevelon Canyon Chevelon Butte wind farm to the West of Chevelon Canyon which
has it's SUP approved in 2019 and in Spring of 2022 started build of 170 turbines on 49 square miles each
mostly in Coconino County west of the canyon. They rise about 750
foot tall to ruin landscapes there and provide endless supplies of
your tax dollars and electric bill pipelines to your cash to certain
landholders there that have an inequitable amount of land making
them billionaires and leaving those in the region with no
connections to the grid to power their appliances.
How much energy do these systems CONSUME?
Texas gave more
than $26 billion of taxpayer money and other benefits to
renewable generators operating in Texas. About $12 billion of that
came from the federal government, $10 billion from the state, and
$1.5 billion from local government. How much does Arizona give for
this disabled energy project? Money that could be used in so many
other ways so much more efficiently.
They are overwhelmingly INEFFICIENT
hardly produce any usable energy as it is, something like 17% their
capacity is generated and yet much of that is unusable in the grid
so these are simply a waste of energy and this is energy that goes
into producing these systems that always comes from fossil fuels,
they cannot produce themselves from wind or the sun's rays.
Someday I will compile an entire list of
reasons why they consume more energy than they ever produce, one of
them includes how they have to be shut down for inspection
constantly in various weather events and failures but that list will
take along time, it would be easier to find the end of Pi.
"We need to do a better inspection with binoculars and drones on the
blades to make sure there is no cracking or splitting" says the