Navajo County told me that developer must have permits to break ground yet even though special use permit is approved.


As stated by Sandra Phillips, PE, CFM, ENV SP

Permits are required to break ground.  I am not aware of any submitted on this project to date.

The conditions need to be met for the project to continue.  Some are prior to breaking ground, others are during construction.

There is no further public comment period on this project.

I understand that with any project of such magnitute especially public comment can be made at any time during regular public meetings. There is always a public comment period at meetings where public can address ANY issue and state ANYTHING they like about ANYTHING. This is the law and guaranteed free expression rights guaranteed under US Constitution and Arizona constitution.

So the public must follow this permitting process for all aspects of this project and make comment as much as possible in these public meetings. These meetings are regular and cover all sorts of issues in the county so be sure to attend and get the word out.

It should be noted that it may be that another agency might need to also approve this further. I don't know for sure at this point. Maybe you can find out. I know Arizona Corporation Commission had to approve GEN-TIE which they did. Then the two counties had to approve. Is there another agency that these counties might be reluctant to tell us about? I frankly do not feel I can depend on them to inform properly as they failed to tell me about the 15 day appeal period in Coconino.

Take for example this matter as found at

ANCHOR has been fighting the wind farm project since the issue first surfaced in 2015. The project calls for turbines to be built on the ridgeline of Dan’s Mountain near the communities of Midland and the Harwood Subdivision, along with Vale Summit, Cresaptown and Bel Air. The entity Dan’s Mountain Wind Force, LLC is behind the effort to build the wind turbines at the site.

The opponents argue that the turbines create excessive noise pollution, light flicker and destruction of neighborhood views. They also fear the turbines, which are nearly 500 feet in height, will negatively impact property values.

The project was denied by the Allegany County Board of Zoning Appeals in 2015, however, through an appeals process, a state court sent the case back to Allegany County in 2019. In October, a new group of zoning board members approved the project in a 2-1 vote. The project also has the support of the three members of the Allegany County Board of Commissioners.

For the project to receive final approval, Dan’s Mountain Wind Force, LLC must receive a certificate of public convenience from the Maryland Public Service Commission.

In this we might also notice the statement about legal cost:

A citizen with the Bel Air Community Association said they have donated $10,000 to ANCHOR to help with rising cost of legal representation.

It's clear these days that the homeless problems take a back seat, no really more like a place at a land fill, over the needs of making sure lawyers all get fantastical fabulous homes and many of them.